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Saturday, September 13, 2014

Going to God!!

My new Christian friend and I have been having some lively and intellectual discussions on a pretty important subject....


Among other observations and opinions I have shared with her is one that keeps me hanging on to the concept that God does indeed exist.

One of my biggest concerns and frustrations with the whole religion / God / Christianity thing is that I can see no tangible evidence that God exists....

Again.... I'm not trying to be sacreligious or disrespectful because I have shared with my Star Witness that I respect and fear God....

My experience has been that when I divert from the actions and behaviors that are Core Elements of a godly lifestyle, I experience significant pain and suffering and misfortune.... physical, emotional, mental, financial... Yep when I turn my back on God, he kicks the Holy Bejeebers out of me.

Done it about 8 - 10 times in my life and it took me 2 - 3 years to recover each time.

I finally gave up... waived the White Flag and signed a truce.... and while I don't always seem to be a model citizen, I definitely know who's running the town!

So back to the whole evidence of God thing....

I can go to all the Churches.... Stand in the Halls of Hallowed Saints.... Worship before the Altar of the Almighty....

And while being moved by the Spirit and Emotional Momentum of the Positive Energy being generated by the other Attendees, I can honestly say that, in those venues.....

I have never felt the presence of God.

So how does a Show Me Guy like me know God exists?

What evidence, What experience, What scenario brings me face to face with the Face and Reality of God?

Being alone in the Remote and Beautiful Arms of Nature.

Yep - that's it.... 

There have been many times when I have stood alone in a high and remote location in Yellowstone National Park, Rocky Mountain National Park, Zion, Yosemite....the Rugged and Rocky Pacific Coast.... and become overcome with Forces and Feelings that are inexplicable and Powerful beyond my ability to comprehend.

When I see Remote, Untouched and Unspoiled Nature, I look into the Face of God....

And in those moments, I know He exist.

Do I feel God in Lake Jackson Tx?

Are you kidding me?

So as often as I can, I take a Pilgrimage to my own Mecca.....

To the Mountains....

To see and experience an Old Friend...

I go to see God.

But I can't have Scottie just beam me up so....

I get all my stuff together and catch a Southwest flight...

Read an interesting article from the Southwest magazine....

And have an even more interesting conversation with an Incredible Discovery of a Young Lady - more on the conversation, the Discovery and the Young Lady later....

Holy Kitchen Sink Wills - what did you bring? The house?

Yep - Pretty much... I have everything in there to do nearly everything I do in life and in nature...

I have my Bike helmet, handlebar bag, handlebar bracket with light and Lifeproof holder, Shimano M-324 pedals (to put on a bike I will rent), Pearl Ozumi  cycling shoes, everything I need to workout, go out and eat in a nice restaurant or go into the Mountain Backcountry for a 20 mile hike (and survive overnight if I have to), 8 days of supplements, Creatine, all the tools needed to prep and cook a full blown Paleo meal including knife, cutting board, my Laptop and all accessories required for me to work, hiking boots, couple of pair of tennis shoes..... I'll stop right there.... Basically I'm prepared to stay on the road indefinitely.... I've got everything except my camping gear....

So where you headed Wills?   Just keep watching..... Oh yeah.... brought my radar detector too... cause I like to drive fast but don't like tickets.

Well - it's bike friendly...

What's that I see it the distance??

Hmmm..... This ain't Kansas... Dorothy.....

Golden.... Hmmm.... that's a clue.

Whadduya doing Wills?  

Just eating Bro..... Banana and Banana Chips and Nuts and Seeds....

Don't tell me you brought a Paleo lunch too?


And boiled eggs and veggies and chicken from last night's meal.

Dude.... You're sick....

No.... Just Paleo....

I'm liking what I'm seeing....

So that's where they make all that nasty Salad Dressing...

What's that..... A tunnel?

Man - this journey to see God is kinda out of the way isn't it....

Yep.... He knows where to live.....

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