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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Burning Bridges... Not Necessarily a Bad Thing!

Catchy title heh?

Kind of a 180 from the old adage we're used to hearing....

"Don't Burn Your Bridges".

So what's it all about Alfie?

Here's the Dill... Pickle.

Like Ecclesiastes says....

There's a Time and Place for Everything....

Geez.... You're only back to reading the Bible a day and you're already gonna start quoting Scriptures?

Hey.... That's a Bridge I'm never gonna burn... cause I'll probably have to run back across it sometime!!!

Which is a perfect segue for the topic of this post?

When is it Right, Proper and Healthy to Burn a Bridge?

Y'all already know (if you know me) that I'm a Deep East Texas Coon Ass Redneck at heart but have an inherently analytical and conservative nature so let's take this one row of okra at a time (my 86 year old Dad grows okra.... that's another story).....

Here's some questions you need to answer before you strike a match to that first timber:
  • Have you exhausted all means of dealing with the Person, Situation, Condition or Status that constitutes the Bridge? If you're all out of ideas and are fed up, progress to the next question.... Otherwise put out the Fire, Lucifer.
  • Of the last 10 times you did a Bridge Crossing, how may of those resulted in Negative Situations or Results?  If the answer is 8 or greater, progress to the next question. If not, go have a beer and think about it.
  • Are you ever gonna need to Cross this Bridge for any reason?  Does the Bridge represent Help, Assistance, Support or Aid that You will need, that you are not prepared to do without, in the future?  If the answer is YES.... you probably want to put the matches back in your pocket.
  • Has it gotten to the point where the Bridge represents a Point where you lose control of your senses and contemplate actions that would result in Life Without Parole?  If you don't want to end up on the wrong side of a Taser....Light 'em up!! 
  • Finally, is there any other way to get to where you want to go without using this Bridge?  Can you swim the river, take the long way around and cross another bridge or build another bridge at nearly the same spot??  
Here's a little life experience just to Cement this Burning Bridge Concept into place...

I had a person that I had been forced to deal with for over 20 years.... for a number of reasons.

I had done my best to compromise, deal with and be amiable with this person because it was the right thing to do.... for a number of reasons.

Despite my best efforts, this person just continued to try (and succeeded) at WINNING every point, every battle and extracting the last drop of blood from the proverbial turnip.....

And in the process, draining me of Money, Time, Patience and the Desire for Good Will.

About a year ago, I looked at this Bridge and asked myself all of the above questions.... and after much thought and soul searching....

I laid a Torch to that F'g Bridge and Walked Away.

I've been happier ever since.

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