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Friday, June 20, 2014

Married..... Without a Wife

When I was in San Francisco recently, I was doing a lot of thinking, even more so than usual and was perplexed about one issue / aspect of my life, so I turned to my Wise Beyond His Years Son and asked...

"Son, if you were me, what would you say if someone asks my social status?"

And in a flash, without hesitation, he says...

"That's easy..... I'd tell them I'm Married.... Without a Wife."

Which pretty much hits the nail on the head.

Let me explain....

I am Married.... Technically and Legally.... but because of what could best be described as, for irreconcilable differences, my wife moved to another state halfway across the country and took another job about 15 months ago and has formed a new and happy life, new home and continuing career involving an average 12 - 18 hour work days 6 - 7 days a week schedule....

She is married to her work - plain and simple.

Which is one of the major reasons there were irreconcilable differences.

Hell - even when we lived in the same house - I didn't have a Wife.

So why not get a divorce?

Well - for one thing - she hasn't filed for one.... and I haven't filed for one.

Second - we have to untether ourselves financially - which is a huge issue... at least for me.

Suffice it to say that the first step of that untethering is to sell one of our largest common assets.....

The 2800 ft2 5 bedroom 2-1/2 bath Behemoth Albatross I call a home.

Third - My 21 year old daughter has been living with me and I have been providing room and board and college tuition and life support and guidance for someone who needs it.

And I haven't been in a big hurry to yank that rug out from under her....

So where does that leave me?

Stuck in the middle with you?

Not really.... Things are pretty cut and dried for me.

I am married.... and I will respect that which means no hot and heavy romance.

However, I am alone (but not lonely) and I am a happy, healthy, energy-filled 52 year old guy with a positive attitude and an active and social lifestyle.

Which means that I consider it perfectly appropriate to ask someone of the female persuasion out for company in a public and social environment - whether that be for a movie, dinner, concert, dancing or just a walk on the jetties.

That too radical or "out of the marriage box" for you?

Well.... get over it and yourself.

There.... all you Bible Banging, gossip mongering, close-minded, judgmental LJT BusyBodies.....

Now you have full fucking disclosure!

Happy now?

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