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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Can you look as good at 52 as you did at 20? Part 2

Crazy Question right?

With an obvious answer right?

Not so fast Tonto...

Let me give you some real life data...

And I'll begin by rewinding nearly 2 years with a link to a post I did back in October 2012. The post was titled...

"Can a 50 year old body look as good as a 20 year old body?"

So take some time to absorb that post and then come back to the present...

My conclusion from that post was that a 50 year old body can't look as good as a 20 year old body.

Now at 3 weeks short of 52 and for this second post on the subject, I'm having second thoughts.

Let's just start this whole chronology over with a time capsule of pictures...

Me at 17 at 168 lbs

Me at 19 in an amateur bodybuilding competition at 166 lbs...

Me at 20 at 175 lbs

Me at 39 at 170 lbs...

Me at 49 years old near my highest weight ever of 216 lbs - Geez that's bad!!!

Me at 50 at 185 lbs...

Me at 52 at 171 lbs...


Can a 52 year old body look as good as a 20 year old body?

Let me just say the lines that span those 32 years are becoming more blurred.

I'm biased but I have to say I look and feel better now than at any other point in my life!

Of course, I have....

Less hair...

A left knee that while better now than it has been in a long time will never be what it was when I was 20....

Skin that cannot snap back to the cheesecloth consistency of youth...

So there's that...

But I also have....

A much greater knowledge of my own body, what works, what doesn't work, what my limits are and what I need to do day in and day out to be at my best...

I have experimented with and implemented new exercise programs like Body Pump, Boot Camp, Yoga, Zumba, MMA and CrossFit and continued to become leaner, stronger, faster, more flexible and more ripped.

I have become disciplined with a diet that works for me.... The Paleo diet.

And I have made my Health and Fitness a high priority in my life...

Because if you don't take care of yourself, how can you take care of anybody else?

So - Final question...

Can a 52 year old body look as good as a 20 year old body?


It can look BETTER!

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