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Saturday, May 24, 2014

When You Finally Get it Right... DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING!!

This is kinda the opposite extreme of a post I did earlier this week - a post where I proposed change or introducing a disturbance into a bad situation that would provide an opportunity for change.

This post deals with a situation we rarely face in our lives of missteps, mistakes, setbacks and blowups.

In fact, I've only experienced this Nirvana moment a few times in my life.

What do you do when....



Do Nothing to upset the Perfect Equilibrium in your little Microcosm of Perfection.

Don't change anything!

Just rinse and repeat...

And enjoy it for as long as it lasts...

The World and it's desire to Create and Nurture Chaos and Misery has a way of seeking out and destroying these System Outliers and Anomalies of Success...

So enjoy it while you can...

Bask in the Sunshine of Your Achievement...

Revel in the Annihilation of an Enemy that is usually standing over you foot on chest and jeering at your weakness...

Rake in the dough while you can.

One case where the "everything went right" - all universes aligned scenario happened for me, I made more money in 2 years than I had made in the previous 20.

The other case I'm experiencing right now is the Renaissance of my Health and Fitness and physical condition.

Been working on it for 2-1/2 years now and had some successes, setbacks and ups and downs but finally got the Diet and Nutrition, Workouts, Sleep and Recovery and Lifestyle Management elements all working at the same time and I have to say at 5 weeks short of 52....

Even I'm impressed with the results...

So when you Discover and Develop your little System for Success and dial it in, enjoy the fruits of your Labor for as long as you can and....

Don't Change Anything!

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