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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A Correction... A Warning.... A Life Lesson

I got carried away on my last post....

I wrote it while sitting at the Kroger Starbucks drinking a Grande Cafe Americano and I think the caffeine got the better of me.

I want to submit a Correction to that last post....

Because I used the word "Never".... as in Never Give Up!

In my opinion and experience, there's only one thought or phrase in life where it's appropriate to say the word "Always" or "Never" and that is....


One of my Greatest Weaknesses in Life and the cause for most of my Worst Mistakes and Pain is that I'm too stubborn..... I just won't give up.... I won't let go and admit defeat.

As I've gotten older, the process of aging and having less energy and less certainty of myself and my views has helped cut the sharp edges off this character weakness but I still have to reel it in sometimes.

Here's the big takeaway from this post.....

Despite your best efforts to ADAPT - ADJUST - MODIFY - OVERCOME....

There are gonna be those situations in Life.... those Battles.... maybe even Wars....

That you're not gonna win..... In fact,  you were beat from the beginning and you just didn't realize it at the time.

The sooner you get your head up and your wits about you and OVERCOME your own EGO, GUILT, REGRET or whatever is driving you to STAY and FIGHT an Unwinnable Battle, the better off you'll be.

Once you gain that new perspective, Don't Walk..... RUN from that situation.

Put as much distance between You and Your Unbeatable Adversary as possible..... and Stay Away.

There are enough battles to fight everyday that you have a chance of winning.

Don't waste your time and energy on the ones you can't win.

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