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Saturday, May 17, 2014

One Man's Everest is Another Man's Stairs to the 2nd Floor....

Kind of a twist on the truism....

"One Man's Trash is Another Man's Treasure".

Let's apply this to your own fitness or lifestyle journey.

Workout intensity is relative and subjective.

Unless you measure watts or do equal work (same reps same weight) as the guy next to you and keep time....

Which CrossFit does.

Same weight and reps in less time is greater intensity.

Pretty simple concept.

Based on that analysis, my max intensity is about 60 - 70% of that of the average athlete at CrossFit WMD.

Cause in most of the WODs, I either do 20 - 30% less weight than the Rx or, if I do the Rx weight, it takes me 20 - 30% longer than the average time.

So what's the point of this?

No point....

Just a reference.

You gotta know where you stand or you won't know where you're going.

And despite the notion that your only competition is yourself, everybody looks at the WOD results board and compares.

If you didn't, you wouldn't be at CrossFit.

Diifferent environment...

Different mindset...

Different people...

These people are intense...

They make noise...

They cuss...

They shout encouragement...

They compete....

This ain't Family Fitness...

This is CrossFit WMD.

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