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Friday, May 9, 2014

Bizzy Bizzy Day!!!

Got up at 3 am and started working. Had a bunch of deliverables due today.

Worked from 3 - 3 and raced to Angleton to show a rental house I've been trying to sell in preparation for gettin' the hell out of Dodge.

Left there and raced to the 4:30 WOD at CrossFit WMD.

Same warmup -

But a killer WOD!

Bad Picture.... Even Harder Workout.

What's a Manmaker?

Grab 2 - 15# dumbbells...

Do an overhead press....
Drop to a burpee position with the dumbbells on the floor and you grasping them.
Do a push-up.
Do a dumbbell row with the right arm while in the push-up position.
Do a push-up.
Do a dumbbell row with the left arm while in the push-up position.
Do a 3rd push-up.
Return to a standing position with the dumbbells.

That's 1 Manmaker.

Now do 30 of them sumbitches.

That was just 1 of 2 major parts of the WOD separated by an 800m, 400m and another 800m run.

35:16 was my time.

That's 35:16 of non-stop getting your ass kicked.

Left about a half gallon of sweat on the floor.

But walked away feeling like I had accomplished something.

And at the end of the day, that's about all you can ask for.

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