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Friday, March 27, 2015

I may be Crippled.... But I'm getting Stronger!

It doesn't get much simpler, easier and faster than having a roasted chicken and some baked sweet potatoes on standby in the fridge.

Dice up a half a chicken breast and 1 baked sweet potato and season and heat in a hot cast iron skillet.

This high protein, good carb meal took me about 3 minutes to fix.

For a bit more pizazz, dice up some link chicken sausage and turkey meat loaf, saute' all the veggies you got - peppers, onions, carrots, kale - top with some avocado, chili sauce and nuts and dried fruit.

Eating like that and taking plenty of amino acids, Creatine and a Protein supplement and getting plenty of sleep and doing 3 rep Max workouts in the Basic Movements like Squats, Deadlifts, Push Presses and Bench Press is one way to get.....


And I have....

At 168 lbs, I could barely get 185# for 3 reps.

At 174 lbs, I got 225# for 3 reps pretty easy.

That's a significant quantitative increase in Strength.

And the basis for everything is.....

What You Eat!

That's at least 8 oz of Chicken Breast over a pile of Spring Mix with all the goodies - tomatoes, avocado, carrots, radishes and red grapes with a good drizzle of Balsamic and EVOO and another 30g of protein in the chocolate shake on the side.

And today's meal after a pretty rigorous PIYO Strength workout at Anytime Fitness....

Kale and Chicken Breast below Spring Mix and tomatoes, carrots, radishes and grapes....

With another 30g of protein shake.

I came to Santa Fe with both knees messed up from the moving I did in late December.

I strained / sprained my Achilles Heel doing some heavy calf raises.

A long time lower back injury has been bothering me on and off the whole time I've been here.

And the Spring Allergy season in Santa Fe has hit me harder than any Texas version I remember.

But I've worked around the injuries and kept eating right....

I've stopped jumping rope in the CrossFit workouts and substituted rowing.....

I've hobbled from one station to the other in the WOD's.

Through it all and despite it all....

I've gotten Stronger.

At my age, Pain and Injury are something you just have to deal with.

Going belly up is not an option....

Unless you're doing crunches....

Or a Bench Press.

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