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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Waiting for a Rainy Day....

To do my Taxes!

Never filed a Tax Extension before but had to this year because of work schedule. 

Since I got back into town, I been waiting for a rainy day to do my taxes but everyday has been Sunshine and Good Times so I've been doing the Outside Thing all the while knowing that nothing is certain but Death and Taxes...

Did a little search on iTunes as I'm app'd to do (ha ha) and got a lot of choices but decided on this little ditty for my post musical accompaniment....

Too bad you don't have an iPhone... For those of you who don't have the 8th Wonder of the World... God rest your deprived souls. 

So anyway, back to taxes and a rainy day...

There's one on the horizon....

So - Friday is Tax Day....Yippee!

Not.... But at least I have a Plan. 

And a Life Without a Plan is like a 

Life Without Sunshine....

You can get through it but...

You'll end up very depressed....
And Pale.