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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Adapting and Overcoming...the freakin' Mosquitoes!

Stepped outside into the balmy Gulf Coast morning and was beset... 

By the 3rd reason I detest living here....

Heat, Humidity and....


So I turned right around, went back in the house....

And got my natural mosquito repellent....

My pipe and tobacco!

Yep - no DEET for me just some good ole Frank's Favorite. 

Guess those little biting MF'ers don't like a little Nickie with their blood. 

Hello Miss Sunshine!

I've already had a Great Day seeing a herd of Whitetail does and a huge buck in velvet chaperoning them across a drainage ditch that runs around my subdivision. 

Too Far and Too Fast for a shot with my iPhone but note to self....

Be there at Sunrise tomorrow with my Canon Powershot. 

It's a date....

Now let's Go Get'em Gang!