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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Morning has broken.... And so has Camp!

What a beautiful and melodic voice he has. 
Can't wait to download this album....  

But in the meantime....

I'm outta here and desperately seeking a ....

Massive, Gut Bustin', Rib Stickin' Sir Down Breakfast!

Let's go find it on our tide to Lake Brownwood State Park!

It's a New Day!

Make it Happen!


  1. Hahahaha I thought you were gonna say, morning has broken, and so has the wind!!

    I'm so FUNNY! :]

  2. You are funny and I actually thought about that but decided to go the more civil route and try to throw a little Cat Stevens connection in there for my more discerning readers.
    Next time I'll do a fart joke - I promise!
