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Friday, May 25, 2012

80% of Life is Just Showing Up....

I tell my daughter this all the time....

Just Show Up and Pay Attention and you'll do fine. 

So much of Life is just being ready when the right opportunity comes along. 

Just like it's not the Photographer or the Camera that makes the Picture but being there with a camera when the Scene or Subject presents itself. 

I had watched this family of 3 geese - the Protective Father - who hissed at me several times, the Doting Mother and the Gosling who just tried to stay out of everybody's way. 

I took several shots of them while they were feeding around me but never quite got the shot I wanted.

And then the Sun started setting and here came my Goose Family...

And I was there....

I just showed up and paid attention. 


  1. Haha "the hissing father"

  2. That would be me..... but I dote too and I do try to stay out of everybody's way!
