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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Ok - see what happens....

I got so worked up I accidentally hit the Send button. 

Let me continue....

I believe this benevolent, forgiving God is an interpretation crafted by modern day churches so that people can justify their bad behavior and come to church and be forgiven and in so doing 

It's all about money. 

Give people an easy out they can pay for and you got yourself a thriving business. 

Now back to God. 

I don't believe in the God of the New Testament but I definitely believe in the God of the Old Testament. 

My God has expectations and rules and consequences for not following those rules. 

Don't know this Guy?  

Go read Kings and Chronicles. 

He wiped out entire civilizations because they wouldn't follow Him.  

He killed 10's of thousands, had the bodies piled up and burned and their homes and fields burned to the ground. 

Scorched Earth Policy Baby!

Now that's Someone I can respect. 

And that's not Someone who forgives murderers and child molesters. 

My God is Selfish, Unforgiving and Covetous of my respect and my actions. 

How do I know this?

Because everytime I get full of myself and tell God to f!$& off, He slaps my ass down so hard it takes me years to get up. 

Works for me. 

God and me - we got an understanding. 

I don't believe in going to church to feel the presence of God. 

I was with Him when I woke up in the middle of the night and saw the stars above me. 

He gifted me with a beautiful Sunrise. 

He gave me that last breath. 

See how simple that is?

I don't believe in Heaven and Hell the way the Church lays it out. 

Their Heaven is just a carrot in front of the mule. 

Their Hell is just a fear factor they throw at you so you'll come to church and

I believe we make our own Heaven and Hell right here on Earth. 

This is it - your Life, the way you Live, the Contributions you make to your family and friends, the way you take care of yourself and conduct yourself....

You make your own heaven and hell. 

So what's my takeaway on all this?

I take it One Day at a Time and look for God in everything and ask Him to...

Have Mercy on my Worthless Soul....
Show Me the Way...
Show Me How to Live!


  1. Couldn't have summed it up better myself. I'm totally my fathers daughter

  2. Oh God, I hope your mother doesn't think I'm turning you two into Atheists. I'd never hear the end of it!
