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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Altered State

Ever seen the movie "Altered State" starring William Hurt? Movie about a researcher seeking the Ultimate Truth who experiments w/ sensory deprivation devices like isolation tanks combined w/ psychedelic & mind altering drugs.... he achieves a metamorphic breakthrough of energy & matter & is transformed into a prehistoric half man - half ape that hunts & kills an antelope @ the local zoo... his only drive...his only instinct is to survive... one of them movies that makes you go - what was that guy smokin' when he come up w/ that one? Still - it makes you think about change and changing. I've been doing some changing on this trip ... especially the last week or so... I'm down 4 holes on the belt I bought in Clovis... I've dieted hard before so I know what it feels like to be in calorie deficit... and I've felt it ... it's a hard, lonely feeling... when you're in it your body is using
the fat on your body & converting it into energy to pedal, to hike, to stay warm... to be cont'd

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