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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Scrubbin' down the patio w/ Simple Green and Clorox

I know I know... get a pressure washer... by the time I'd get it out unrolled and hooked up I'll be done w/ this Old School rub a dub dub scrub action...

I've used a high pressure washer since I was 12 years old... yep started out working summers when I was 12 pressure washing and scraping and painting houses for a guy... making $20 a day... hard work but good money for a 12 year old...

First "salary" job was actually when I was 10 working at a place called Worthy's Auto Parts sweeping floors and stocking parts for 50 cents an hour...

In my spare time I was seining carp for the local bait shop owner and picking okra... yeah it's the truth...

I grew up pretty poor... never missed a meal and always had clean clothes to wear but if you wanted something extra you didn't go ask Mom or Dad... hell they were just trying to keep the wolves away from the door!

You wanted money... you went out and got work... even at 10...

and no I didn't walk uphill 7 mi in the snow both ways to school....

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