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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Following the "Discovering America on 2 Wheels" blog

My wife and I were discussing the blog and I was lamenting that I kinda thought I'd have more followers by now.... and she responded with wisdom (like she always does)....

"Well William.... most people are passive readers of the blog.... they check in and check out...."

.... and I guess she's right, because I've got several blog comments from folks I've met along the way or knew prior and they weren't on the "Followers" list....

If you want to become a "Follower" it's pretty easy....
  • First, you need to set up either a "Google" account or a "Yahoo" account (I think there's a 3rd way but don't remember what it was - will get back to you on that).... you can use your e-mail username and password on either one.
  • Once you have an "access" account set up, you just go to the "Discovering America on 2 Wheels" blog - and up at the top right of the screen, click on "Sign in" and then sign in.
  • Once you've done that, click on the "Follow" or "Follow this blog" prompt next to the "Followers" tiles and go through the input requests.
  • .... and I think that's it...

If that doesn't work, leave a comment or e-mail or call me and I'll edit the instructions.

I know.... when you look at the "Followers" list it looks stupid... I'm following myself....

kinda like the blind leading the blind....

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