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Saturday, March 8, 2014

'Did you grow them shoulders or were you born with them?'

That's what a guy asked me at the gym this morning while I was warming up for Body Pump.

"A lot of both" is how I responded.

I told him about Body Pump and the high rep intensity of it.

I concluded with "You squat with any weight on your back for 6 minutes without stopping and you'll end up with shoulders and a back." (not to mention some freaky legs)

The comment came from a new guy.... Looked to be about my age.... And very fit.

Which means a lot more to me than the average complement.

It was an acknowledgement from a peer.....

Somebody that had shared in the work, workouts, discipline and PAIN to get and keep a body in shape in the years north of 50.

And it was just a positive and nice thing to say.

People don't realize how far a simple complement or positive affirmation goes.

It made my day.

Complements and positive affirmations to people I see are something I have committed to in 2014.

Like the pretty blonde lady on the treadmill this morning....

"There's that Kim Basinger look alike. Looking good this morning" I said as I passed her on the way to the men's locker room.

You should've seen her face light up.

A few positive words go a long way to a better day.

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