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Thursday, September 8, 2016

Time to Wake Up - Drink some Coffee - Hop on the Bike and Knock out a CrossFit WOD

Got up this morning and was ready to see how bad the 2 weeks in Texas had set back my cardio and breathing.

Got the morning started with the usual dose of motivating music!

Kinda the way I felt when I woke up this morning.... Sore and Tired, 1 eye open and ready to slay the Dragon!

Today's workout.

Went to my doctor agreed max of 225# for 4 easy reps on the squats and up to 60# dumbbells on the 1-arm rows.

And then turned to the 22 min time capped WOD!

Smoked that MFer just barely under the time cap.

Red-lined in the last minute trying to finish with the 2 ladies that did the WOD with me and the Praxis Owner and Head Trainer hollering at me to finish.

Was Wiped out and Totally spent but made it Rx baby!

Peddled the 5 miles back up the hill against the wind to the North side of Santa Fe.

Now that's the way to start a day.

When you do all that by 10:00 am, the rest of the Day is a piece of cake.

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