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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

At Rollover Pass

Gilchrist Tx was basically wiped out by Ike... 2 years later, there's still nothing here... it's sad... I fished here as a kid and remember how this bridge would be literally shoulder to shoulder w/ people w/ 25' Calcutta Bamboo Fishing Poles pulling huge - I'm talking 27 - 30" speckled trout up on the bridge like they do Tuna.... now there's nothing... it will never be the same ... Mother Nature has spoken and Man has no answer...

1 comment:

  1. I can remember when we use to go down to "The Cut" (rollover pass)when the crockers were running and all you had to do is put your line in the water and we would catch fish after fish as long as you put your line in the water. They were so plentiful, you literally could caught them without bait. Then I remembered we would catch the big speckled trout on shrimp. Dad was the champion with them. When he got one on the line, everyone better get out the way, because he was going to land that fish. This trip you are making along this part of the gulf really brings back many memories for me from our childhood. Thanks for bringing this to the attention of all of our readers.
