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Saturday, April 26, 2014

Slept good woke up lean dry and ripped....

And weighed in at a new low!!!

Got up at 4 am everyday this week and worked 8 - 10 hours at my computer which killed my left knee and back but still managed to stick to my Paleo diet and knock out 4 brutal workouts -

2 CrossFit and 2 Boot Camp.

Did Body Pump this morning and stayed close to the weights I was using when I was 17 lbs heavier.

Doing more with less.

So less is more?

Yeah - when you are smaller and leaner, you look bigger.

So cut the bulk, work on the diet, get your sleep and mix up your workouts with intense cardio (Boot Camp) and high rep (Body Pump) and low rep (CrossFit) weight workouts for a month and see what happens.

My bet is you'll look in the mirror and see a smaller and more fit you looking back.

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