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Saturday, October 21, 2017

Me Too.... Yeah Men can be Victims too

The whole "Me Too" movement seems to be the latest effort in exposing the abuse that women have experienced with men.

And let me say right off the bat, I get it.  I understand that it exists, that it's real and far too commonplace.

And on behalf of all Men who Value Women for the most Incredible Creations God has put on this Earth....

I am truly sorry.

But let me submit to you a far less common but still undeniable reality.

Men can be Victims too.

Of women.

So what is a Victim anyway?

  1. a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action.
    synonyms:sufferer, injured party, casualtyMore
    • a person who is tricked or duped.
      "the victim of a hoax"
      synonyms:loserpreystoogedupesuckerquarryfoolfall guychump

Hmmm..... Ok.

So what basis do I have for the assertion that Men can be Victims too?

My Life... and many events that have occurred in it.

Let me just start, from the beginning, of my Life.

And some experience I had with my Mother.

My Mother had mental issues. She suffered with depression.  Now this was back in the day - mid to late 60's, when psychiatry and all the drugs and counseling techniques that go with it, were not so developed and widely accepted.  And there were likely contributing factors to her underlying tendencies - you see, my Dad had anger issues.  No need to go into all the details but suffice it to say he could be an abusive sonofabitch.

No doubt this had a negative effect on my mother and her mental well being.  Bottom line is my mother had suicidal tendencies.  Or at least she expressed them to me, as a 6-year old boy, in a series of hysterical, gut grabbing, crying fits she would have where she talked about killing herself.

This shit went on for years and years.  I remember seeing her crying and sobbing on the floor and hugging her and comforting her and saying "No Mommy, Don't Kill Yourself".

What a way to spend a childhood right?  Trying to keep your mother from killing herself.

Anyway - like I said - this shit went on for years, till one day - I think I was 14 - she pulled that shit on me one too many times and I finally had enough.

This time I stood over my Mother and said.....

"You know what?  Why don't you just shut up and Kill Yourself and put us all out of your Misery!"

Does this kind of childhood trauma qualify as abuse by a Woman?

Fuck - I don't know - You tell me, but it damn sure didn't do me any good.

Fast forward about 20 years and I just got married.  Me and my Wife are back 3 days from our honeymoon and I have to dig her out of bed with her former boyfriend.

Yeah - Me Too.

Oh and don't even get me started on how Women victimize Men financially and it's all legal-like.

It's called Family Law aka Fuck the Husband / Father.

Let me lay it out to you as straight as I can.

I know several Women who have made Vocations / Careers / Fortunes out of marrying - having kids - divorcing.

Like multiple fucking times.  And yes - they use Sex as a Weapon of War / Conquest / Financial Gain.

And each marriage / divorce / child support check is another investment in their Retirement Plan.

Another Case in Point.

I have firsthand knowledge / witness of a Woman who is a Holy Terror in her Household - verbally and physically abusing her husband and many other members of her family.  The lady is a fucking psycho and, for whatever reason, her poor husband and other family members just take it.

For no justified reason, this lady had one of her Manic Moments and attacked me in her own home and let me just say this lady is bigger than me - like 5'8" and 220 lbs.

In a fit of rage, she grabbed me by the throat and I grabbed her hand in defense and as I found out later, broke her hand in the process.

And I know of many other cases where Men are mentally, emotionally and yes - physically abused by Women.

In this day and age, there are a LOT of Women who can physically kick a Man's ass.

And finally, let me relate a most recent discussion I had with a lady friend of mine.

The subject was women exploiting men for sex.

She had been reading my blog and referenced a post I had recently written describing a short period of time I spent with a woman who was just out to use me for sex.

The lady friend scoffed at the concept that any man could be taken advantage of sexually by a woman because, as she said, and I am paraphrasing....

"Yeah right..... like a man could ever be a sexual victim of a woman. That's all most men want anyway".

It kinda pissed me off because frankly, I don't think like that and I don't act like that.

And just to add more fuel to the fire, I have had several occasions in Santa Fe where I am convinced a significant portion of the elderly female population are pumped up on female hormones and are just looking to get as many fucks in as they can before they kick the bucket.

Which is probably not a bad thing, but, again, it kinda makes you rethink what gender is wearing the "Sexual Predator" hat - right?

Or better yet - they wanna trade Sex for you being their Handy Man.... and I'm literally talking the guy that fixes up their house.  Oh yeah Baby, come over and fix my leaky pipe and I'll cook you dinner and fuck you.

In most cases, the slogan "Just Say No" comes to mind, because frankly the dinner and the sex ain't worth the manhours put in on the work.

Geez - I could go on and on about this and make an extended list of examples of Women abusing Men but I guess I'll just leave you with this.

As Counter-intuitive and Counter-culture as it may seem,

Men can be Victims too.

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