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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

So Far.... So God

If you're one of my 3.5 loyal readers (I think I picked up a crazy stray along the way), you know, at the beginning of this little adventure, I made a Deal with God, which is kinda nonsensical in itself, but I'm a nonsensical kinda guy. 

Anyway, I agreed to quit cussing in exchange for God protecting me on this trip. 

While I've loosed a few expletives in personal conversations over the last couple of weeks, I've done a lot better and I've absolutely had no cussing on the blog. 

And I Godda say God has kept up His end of the bargain. 

Despite me doing some really stupid, dangerous stuff (notice I said "stuff"), God has somehow kept me from hitting the ground. 

And wouldn't you know it, just like the Almighty Improver He is, He's got me in the middle of the incredible beauty and rugged landscape of the Oregon coast where the grades for the Class are a lot higher and steeper. 

So, about 3 or 4 days ago, while I'm sucking wind going up one of those 10% grades, God was sitting on the back of my bike straddling the rear Ortliebs puffing on His pipe blowing really cool smoke rings that were passing me going up the hill cause I was going backwards. 

And God says "You know Brain Trust, these hills would probably be a little easier if you'd quit smoking that pipe of yours". 

I looked back at God with a stare that would have pulverized Lot... 

and coughed. 

I said, "You Godda be kidding me God. First cussing and now smoking?"

 He says "I'm just looking out for you Kid" and blew a Big Cloud of Sunset Rum smoke in my face. 

I said "OK - Fine.... You get me 10 more miles a day and I'll quit smoking my pipe till I get to San Francisco". 

God says "Deal - We'll have a smoke on the Golden Gate". 

So there goes the pipe for awhile. 

You know.... 

That God drives a pretty hard bargain...

But He's a Pretty Cool Guy!


  1. I am glad you are listening the man in the sky. Always trust your gut. Glad you are cutting back on the smoking. Enjoy the celebating smoke on the Golden Gate bridge.
