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Sunday, May 4, 2014

What is your addiction?

She's like cocaine, heroin, alcohol, vicadin.
She's my addiction. (my addiction)

Many people are addicted to food....

Which is not so bad IF -

You're addicted to the RIGHT FOOD!!!!

Is that possible??

Absolutely.... But...

Just like any drug addiction, if your body is hooked on processed food, sweets, soft drinks, fruit drinks, dairy, rice, potatoes, bread, pasta....

All those things that make your blood sugar and insulin go haywire, your body is gonna fight you when you start taking it away.

Yes - you will go through withdrawal symptoms - headaches, irritability, nervousness, lethargy, insomnia....

But the good news is it will usually only last a few days, while in the meantime, you can be reprogramming your mind and your body for a new food addiction....

A good food addiction!!

Fresh vegetables simply prepared, fresh fruit, nuts and seeds, eggs and lean meat.

And as you eat more of these good foods, your body will crave the vitamins and nutrients they provide, you will feel better, think better, sleep better, have more energy to work out, work out harder which will make your body want more good food which will make you feel better.....

See where this is going?

A vicious cycle of Health and Lifestyle Improvement.

Now that's an addiction we should all have.

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