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Monday, November 5, 2012

When More is Less.... And Less is More...

Had 2 people come up to me in the gym on Saturday and ask me what the heck
I was doing to look like I do. 

One lady was amazed at me knocking out multiple sets of wide grip chins and heavy Deadlifts. She said "Geez - You look so buff".  I blushed a little and just said thanks and told her those were old school exercises and I was an old school kinda guy. 

Another guy just randomly came up to me and said "Man - you gotta tell me what you're doing". 

I told him the same thing I told others....

Body Pump 4 times a week....

Several dynamic agility type Aerobic classes including Boot Camp...

Zumba and TRX on Tuesday and Thursday evenings....

And lots of meat and vegetables....

And consistency in both...

As you can tell from all the pics of the food, I eat a lot...

Perhaps more than I used to....

In volume but not in calories....

And I weigh 30 lbs less than I used to....

But I look BIGGER....

Because I'm down from 26% body fat to less than 10% body fat. 

Combine low body fat with a lot of intense exercise and you get definition that makes you look bigger while being smaller. 

And that gets noticed. 

The last of the pork chops, grilled eggplant, yellow bell peppers and lots of other vegetable characters.  

My wife presented a tasty meal of diced jalapeño sausage, poached eggs and mandolin thin sliced onions, bell peppers and baby Bella mushrooms. 

You have to set your expectations high and then maintain your discipline. 

Breakfast this morning...

Turkey - veggie mix Pattie with grilled eggplant and red bell peppers. 

Followed by a pumped up post workout meal....

Been doing heavy Deadlifts and Squats over the last 2 weeks on my "off days". 

It paid off as I went up 10 lbs on my squat track in Body Pump this morning. 

Doing more....

With less. 

Get it?

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