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Monday, March 28, 2016

Cooking and Eating Your Ass Off - Literally!

Everybody carries extra weight in different places but the majority of people, especially women, who want to lose weight typically want to lose weight....

In their butt.

And believe it or not, you can lose your ass pretty easy!

No - not just in the stock market but by....

Eating mass quantities of food - make that Mass Quantities of the Right Kind of Food.

Are you a big eater?  Do you like to feel full when you eat?  Has your last few failed attempts at dieting left you going to bed with a growling, empty stomach?

Well, let me suggest an alternative and let me do it with the following series of pictures depicting  ingredients and prep for today's meal and the healthy foundation for many meals to come.

First, you want to maintain as much of the nutrients in the food you are cooking as possible.

And to me that means a cooking technique that is hot and fast and leaves most of the natural texture and color of the food, in this case veggies, intact.

For me, a hot cast iron skillet and dutch oven are perfect for this.

So let's start with a diced sweet onion and several spears of asparagus on the left and a poblano pepper on the right - all seasoned with salt, pepper, cumin, garam masala, turmeric and allspice.

Here's the rest of a meal that is based on lots of different tastes, colors and textures and will be prepared both cooked and raw:

Red Onion
Yellow Squash
2 slices of TJ's Peppered Uncured Turkey Bacon
1 link of TJ"s Sweet Basil Chicken and Turkey Sausage diced.

Here's how I prepared the above:
  • I pan grilled a thick slice of the pineapple and 2 slices of cantaloupe seasoned with salt and cayenne pepper.
  • That and the sauted onions, pepper, eggplant, asparagus, squash and diced sausage are in the bottom right container.
  • I took the rest of the pineapple and cantaloupe and small cubed that up and diced a ripe banana and fine diced 1/2 red onion and one of the slices of cooked poblano and a healthy handful of basil and cilantro and then coated that mix with a good drizzle of balsamic vinegar and EVOO and the juice of half a lime and dusted with salt, pepper and cayenne pepper and mixed it up well.  That's the mix in the container on the top right.
  • I made a nice salad with spring mix and arugula and diced tomato with balsamic, EVOO, S and P.
  • This entire quantity of food was prep'd in less than 20 minutes and the veggies and fruit salsa will be complementing several protein additions to meals this week.

Here's a huge portion of the 3 combined elements along with about 20 oz of a Fruit Punch Creatine and Chocolate Protein Mix to wash it down.

That's a beautiful variety of salty and sweet - veggies, fruit and proteins - with at least 80g of protein and less than 700 calories that will leave you feeling full, satisfied but still alert.

Yep - No food hangover from this enormous quantity of food!

Why you ask?

Because it contains no simple carbs - No gluten, grains, rice, potatoes, pasta, legumes or processed foods.

No hyper insulin response to counter high blood sugar from this meal.

So sit your ass down and Gorge on this Wonderful and Nutritious Meal.

Repeat this type of eating for 21 days and you will be....

Sitting down on a Lot Less Ass!

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