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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Stop Doing This...

Seriously, I hear people bitching about their Life, their Weight, the State of the Union, whatever....

Quit Crying....Quit Bitching.... and do something about it.

And if you can't do anything about it.... Quit Crying.... Quit Bitching!

I think there's a message there.

I mean seriously.... how many people are gonna subject themselves to a CrossFit workout?

What?  A 1/2 % of the population or less?

Count me in as one of the few.... the intrepid.... the stupid...

Who presents their body as a sacrifice on the altar of....

Narcissism..... Quest for Youthful Strength, Speed and Agility.... Just wanting to be a Bad Ass MF'er!

175# on a Push Press for a guy who weighs 170# ain't bad....

Especially for a guy who's 53 years old.

And no misses on a 10 min EMOM with 5 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls with 95# and 5 24" Box Jumps per minute....

And yes, I did the Box Jumps Rx....Bad Left Knee and all.....

No Crying Like a Bitch here!

Even riding the Red Mule back and forth to the CrossFit Box....

Will Black called her the LandRover today....

I kinda like that.

Love this place.... Heat, Humidity and all.

Is it worth it?

Yep.... Everytime I look around me and then look in the mirror.

It's worth it. It's worth the Time,  Effort and Pain.

Just to have gotten to where I've gotten to and maintained it for over 18 months.

It's something not a lot can say they've ever done....

Even less at my age.

So Quit Crying Like a Bitch....

Either Shit or Get off the Pot....

Get out there and make your body hurt.....

It will connect you with a part of you that you didn't know was there.

I've always said there is a Lean, Muscular Beast in all of us.

We just keep it hidden in 30 lbs of fat.

Find a Place, Find a Way, Find a Day.....

To Release the Beast!

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