In general, I want to go to a Cooler Environment North and West of the Texas Gulf Coast.
And being a Data Guy, I figured I better put together a little scoring system for evaluating the different cities / areas of the country I am considering.
So here's a 1st pass effort on that....
I call it my "City Scoring System".....
Pretty Self Explanatory based on the info in the worksheet screenshot below.
10 Cities (some of which I have not named or evaluated yet)
10 Score Categories
1 - 10 Score with 10 Being the Best.
Cities across the top.
Scoring Items on the Left
Score Totals at the Bottom
Click on the image to get a better view - it should open in a different window / tab.
No big surprises.....
My current city of residence - Lake Jackson TX - scores the lowest....
And my favorite city on earth - San Francisco CA - scores the highest.
Whadduya think?
So lake Jackson was the lowest in the meanness category? That should count for at least something shouldn't it? Maybe that category should be worth double!