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Saturday, March 29, 2014

So how was the introduction to CrossFit?

In a word....

CrossFit was TOUGH.

I basically did a warm-up and learned several different exercises / movements.

Started out with double under rope jumping for 50. Then throwing a 14# ball 9' up a wall for 20. Then front squats with overhead press for 20. They call them thrusters. Then 20 burpees.

Then shoulder stretching with a PVC bar.

Then myofascial release on hips and legs front and back.

Then massaging shoulders and chest with a lacrosse ball against the wall.

That was just the warmup.

Then the instructor showed me a "Core Elements" 3 exercise group consisting of 10 air squats (deep squats with arms held overhead), 10 push-ups (hands closer than normal - almost a Tricep push-up) and 10 Deadlifts.

We worked on form on those and then he had me do 3 rounds of those with a 200m sprint for each one for time.

I did 3 rounds of the 4 elements in 6 minutes flat.

Wasn't the best I could do but was very sore and tired from this week's workouts and running yesterday and from dieting for the last 11 days.

I weighed 185.6 after the workout.

In a nutshell, it was hard but I did it.

I will do 2 more Core Elements sessions with the instructor and then be released to do the normal WODs (Workout Of the Day).

I liked it.

I'm going back for more.

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