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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I understand now why people become homeless...

If there's one thing this trip has taught me, it's to appreciate what I have. 

Not just friends and family...

But the niceties of life....

The things we take for granted. 

A cup of coffee that's made for you. 

A bed to sleep in. 

A hot shower. 

Clean clothes. 

Being dry and warm. 

A good margarita. 

Driving a truck rather than being passed by one. 

Having a home cooked meal at my own table. 

Not having to worry and plan and figure out where I will lay my head tonight. 

On the other hand....

Being homeless ain't that bad either. 

New place, New Scene, New People....

Every day. 

Nothing to worry about except...

Where I will lay my head tonight. 

I can do this. 

I can be a Homeless Person.....

With meaning...  

And means.


  1. That is some deep stuff. Seems this grueling trip has really given you some time to really think about what has become important to you. What life is all about and what you want to do with it in the future. Your picture captures you in some deep thought or at least what it looks like.

  2. No. I was just getting ready to fart.
