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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

People Come and People Go and Life Goes On

This is the first post to be written as a result of a demographically diverse 11 reader survey and selection from 24 possible blog post ideas / titles / topics.

Here is some data on that selection process:

This is interesting and notable in many ways and on many different levels, perhaps, the most important of which is that this is the first time I have ever done anything like this.

Ask a group of readers to select the priority and subject matter of composition of future Post Topics through random survey.

And perhaps an Evolution, a Revolution or at least a Change in my Writing and Approach to Writing the Posts for this blog.

That being from a self-generating, self-limiting or self-induced creative process that was whim and wave to whatever thought or experience came into my mind or got in my way.

To more of an "On Demand In Demand" approach to Creative Writing.

Generating readable and interesting Intent and Content based on Reader Request.

Which maybe represents a subtle but substantial change in direction for me and this blog.

From Casual Conversation about my Life to a more Meaningful Discussion of Life Principles, Philosophy and Rhetoric that may be suitable or even marketable to a broader audience.

I've been toying with the idea of a "Discovery" book for a long time and maybe this is the Beginning of the End of that effort.

I don't know - let's take it one day and one post at a time - and see what happens and what, in the process, we....



Which perhaps is a good segue into the beginning of the content that actually addresses the title of this post.

I couldn't write any of this or at least a significant portion of what I write without -

The People in My Life and The People that Pass Through My Life and the People that Move On.

And the Impact they have on me, the Thoughts and Emotions they Evoke and the Love, Hate, Triumphs and Tragedies I Experience with them.

A friend of mine recently sent me a YouTube video that talks about People coming into your Life for a Reason, a Season or a Lifetime...

Pretty cool concept and pretty appropriate for this post.

Coincidentally, the 4th slide of this video, looks very much like a picture of St. Mary's Lake and Goose Island in Glacier National Park, which was the site of my 2nd marriage.

Oh boy, here it comes, excuse me for a minute or 30, while I go cry....

Goddammit - this collage brings back a lot of Great Memories.....

And a lot of Pain.... most of it Self-Inflicted.

But that unfortunately, administered a lot of Collateral Damage and Pain to People I Loved Most.

Yeah -

People Come and People Go and Life Goes On.

But you leave a little Piece of Life and a Piece of Your Heart and Soul with Every Person You Leave behind.

I'm really not sure where to go with this Post after that little bit of self-reflection.

So what do you do when you've stabbed yourself in the Heart or....

Someone else stabs you in the Heart....

Or the Back?

I don't know.... I don't fucking know.

I guess some of us resort to booze or drugs or food or whatever is your Self-Medicating Drug of Choice....

Or something worse.

The rest of us just Move On, perhaps in a Diminished, Depleted or Damaged State.

Suffering from Numbness of the Heart, Mind or Spirit.

Or from Delusions of what Love is or isn't and with issues of Trust or Love and Trust or with Trusting in Love.

But We Move on because for Us....

Life Goes On.

Geez - this is getting pretty fucking depressing.

Come on Wills - pick yourself up and present something of Love, Faith and Hope to your Readers....

Something befitting Some Bright Spot, Some High Note or Some Success in the Struggle with....

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Well - the Pain, Reality, Hope and Good News of the Matter is that Life does Go On.

And as long as that is true, there is Opportunity -

For Healing and Restoration - which usually doesn't happen ALONE.

It happens with the Recognition, Realization and Exploit of Opportunities - with the Risk of Failing - with the Risk of Disappointing - with the Reality of...

Sharing Your Life with Another Person and them sharing their Life with You...

For a Reason, a Season or a Lifetime.

And you know what?

It works - at least for Me - taking the Risk... Seizing the Moment...

Running that Gauntlet One More Time and letting Life and Love take another whack at me.

I had this recent experience that kinda illustrates this concept.

I was riding a shuttle from Santa Fe to the Albuquerque Airport and was looking forward to a trip to Texas for Work and to visit Family.

It was a morning pick-up of the Sandia Shuttle from the Hotel Santa Fe and I got on the shuttle and sat in the front seat next to the driver and just as soon as we got going, you know me, I'm all amped up on Caffeine and High on Life in general, so I'm introducing myself to the Driver and jibber-jabbering with him and eventually, I turn around in my seat and I'm addressing the audience of fellow shuttlers and introducing myself and you know what I get which is to be expected....

Looks of bewilderment or annoyance or a polite smile from the Peanut Gallery with likely thoughts of....

I wish this Goofy Mother Fucker would just shut up and leave me the Hell alone and in peace and quiet


Who does this guy think he is - God's Gift to Humanity?


Ok - No more - you get the picture or the scene....


There was this lone Dissenter, in this Sound of Silence, in the 3rd row back that...

Smiled and Engaged!

Aha!!! Praise the Lord and Sound the Trumpets!!

A Fellow Rebel, A Challenger to the Doldrums, Ho-Hum and Zombie Apocalypse State of the World.

Yep - a lady who talked back.

That was back in October 2016....

And then - weirdly enough - that same Face in the Crowd of the Shuttle coming into Focus -

Was on the same shuttle in June 2017 when I traveled to Texas again.

On this occasion we were departing to different destinations from the same concourse of the airport at about the same time.

Hmmmm - what a Co-ink-a-dink!

So I followed up on the Shuttle Conversation with a text - cause of course I had gotten this lady's number after the 2nd shuttle meeting - cause I'm figuring or wondering -

Is this Chance
Or Fate and
Do I write it off as Happenstance
Or Participate?

Stop it Will-enem
This is ABQ not
8 Mile and
You are Will-i-am
Not Eminem.

Repping Rhymes and Rapping Aside - You know me - I like to tempt Fate!!!

So anyway - I'm sitting at my gate watching her sitting at her gate - Yeah - you can't make this shit up - this actually happened.

And I text her and ask "Want some company until your plane leaves?"

If surprise could be captured in a text reply "Sure!" and hope and curiosity could be implied in a glance up as I walk over, then No Doubt it was.

So we sit and talk some more until her plane leaves and I say in her departure...

"Text me when your plane lands and when you get home so I know you made it OK" and I give her a hug and a kiss.

And she did....

Kiss and Hug me back and Text me back.

And that was that.

People Come and People Go and Life Goes On.

But sometimes they Reappear.

Like when I'm sitting at the bar at LaFonda 4 months later...

Which incidentally and coincidentally - I never do - sit at the bar at LaFonda that is, or even go to the LaFonda bar that is.... except a couple of times and both of them have resulted in really incredible meetings with Women... if it happens a 3rd time (Remember my Rules of 3) -

Then I'm gonna start thinking the LaFonda Bar is some kind of epicenter for significant happenings in My Life or at least significant Human Encounters of the 3rd Kind - for me.

Anyway - back on track here - so I'm sitting at the LaFonda Bar and I look up and I see this same lady standing out in the hall texting...

And my first thought is - Ok Wills - do you really want to do this?  Do you want to go engage this lady? I mean - there's no way she's gonna fucking remember me or whatever - so you're just setting yourself up for disappointment - but Fuck It - I love Pain and Disappointment - I must - I mean look at my Whole Fucking Life....

So I just stride over there and say "Hi _________ - How are you doing?"

And she says "Hey William - I was just texting you!" and I look down at my Phone.....

And Smile.

So Yeah....

People Come and People Go and Life Goes On.

Parents, Friends, Family and Spouses die.

Marriages fail.

People cheat on you.

You cheat on people.

Children leave and start their own lives.

You are Alone.

Someone comes into your Life.

They leave.

You are heartbroken...

And Life goes on.

This is the Simple and Certain Circle of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

It is the Mystery, Master and Mistress of Life.

People Come and People Go....

And Life Goes On.

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